The product is nice and comfortable. I had to make some extra holes in the strap on the small size since it waa loose for my dog. I use it only to give bath to my dog. Hence need to see if water will cause it to deteriorate faster. Overall good purchase.
I purchase it for my Labrador puppy of 3 and half month old. Very much hard to eat he takes 1 to 2 days to finish it. Overall good purchase I purchased drools calcium bone also they are very soft.
Excellent product as described. It's sturdy and neat. Seller was very responsive to all the questions and overall a very good purchase. Our Hope totally loves her new tag. Picture attached for refence. 3inch tag for 6 month old Labrador.
Being lightweight and plastic, there is a small amount of bounce when a 90 lb dog runs up the ramp. It's rated at 200+ lbs, so I'm not concerned about it failing, but the little bit of spring made me do a double-take. I'm extra careful now to make sure the top of the ramp is in the sweet spot on the lip of my Chev Equinox.
Also, 6 feet isn't very long if you have an SUV, even one as low as my Equinox. The ramp is still quite steep for an older dog. I may have to put a small step/lifter at the bottom so she has a small hop onto the ramp, then a less steep incline to contend with. Anything shorter than 6 feet would be ridiculously steep.
The friction material on the ramp looks great. It's the same material that you see on the deck of skateboards. It looks like it will last for many years. If you have a reluctant dog coming down the ramp, it may be a bit rough on their paws over time. Otherwise, it gives a secure footing for your pet.
Being lightweight and plastic, there is a small amount of bounce when a 90 lb dog runs up the ramp. It's rated at 200+ lbs, so I'm not concerned about it failing, but the little bit of spring made me do a double-take. I'm extra careful now to make sure the top of the ramp is in the sweet spot on the lip of my Chev Equinox.
Also, 6 feet isn't very long if you have an SUV, even one as low as my Equinox. The ramp is still quite steep for an older dog. I may have to put a small step/lifter at the bottom so she has a small hop onto the ramp, then a less steep incline to contend with. Anything shorter than 6 feet would be ridiculously steep.
The friction material on the ramp looks great. It's the same material that you see on the deck of skateboards. It looks like it will last for many years. If you have a reluctant dog coming down the ramp, it may be a bit rough on their paws over time. Otherwise, it gives a secure footing for your pet.
thanks to pet cartel
Using the product can definitely create your pets healthy it's a Indian version of Royal Canine i would say. Must try if your dog was skinny it help them gain mass a fur too.
I bought this as an emergency back up to our more expensive lead, but I ended up fast preferring it. Extremely comfortable even on long walks, very strong and well built. Simple and functional. After five months it looks exactly like the day we got it. I now have two more of the same as emergency back ups.
This pet carrier is niiiiiiice! Easy to assemble. Durable materials. Side handles and pockets. More than enough ventilation. Enough space for four 5lb. cats. The cats love being carried around in the bag, and when not being toted around, they love playing and sleeping in it. It has ample padding in shoulder straps and against your back so you don't get fatigued carrying around your little buddies. It's a big carrier. 11" length X 14" wide X 19" high, but big is why you want this carrier. And while it's big, it's nice and light.
If you need more space for a bigger animal, you can remove the center divider for one giant compartment rather than 2 compartments. The padding covers are removable for easy washing.
If you are buying thinking that it is silicone and it will stick to the surface then you are wrong, the surface have small pores making it non-stickable