It is quite comfortable for my kittens as it doesn't tighten around neck when pulled. It provides good support to their chest, and they feel secure. Easy to tie. Although there are some lints coming out the strap, but it is good given the standard price. Will hopefully last long.
It's a very cute toy. Love it. The feather part was destroyed within a few minutes but apart from that its very sturdy. The stick is very comfortable to hold and because of the string being elastic it gives more range of movement. Great product! :)
The poop bags are really cute with doggy paw prints on them. The material's soft and easy to hold/store (especially if you store it with the Trixie poop bag dispenser). I wish the perforation that helps you separate one bag from the next was a little better or more prominent since it doesnt tear off so easily. You have to actually look for the perforation and then carefully tear out each bag.But for the price, I think it's a good product.
My 2 year old boxer used to deflate all the balls which I got him to play.
This product is very useful. Now he can play longer since he can hold on to the tags and play.
Earlier he would just ruin the ordinary balls and shread them to pieces.
Writting this after using the product. Overall product is good. It smells amazing. Works really well on my Lahsa Apso. Even after 3 to 4 days it smells amazing. Personally liked the product. Good product at just Rs300. Go for it Guys!!