Provides good motor skills to child below 1 year old. They initially learn to grab it and slowly learn to throw it. There are beads inside which make sound when the child plays with it keeping it interesting for the toddler. So all in all a good purchase. Does wear out after 2-3 months.
The material is super soft and my puppy likes it a lot. However either the base material used is not very strong enough or my puppy's teeth are strong. But there are small cuts that I can see inside at the edges after 2 months of use. If ur puppy has passed the stage of biting and chewing things, then just go for it. It's very comfortable for them. My puppy loves his bed. However during hot days puppies might not sleep on it.
My dog have very allergic and sensitive skin, this product is safe and doesn’t trigger any rashes or other skin problems.
The wetness is good enough to clean.
Do not expect shampoo level of cleaning. But it’s very good for post food/ walk/ poop/ pee etc.
All in all a safe and trusted product.
I purchased this bed for my 2 months french bulldog puppy and trust me she slept very well last night on it, previously she was not able to sleep comfortably on the tiles or any clothes, but now i am tension free from my pet side because she love to spend more time on this bed
100% recommend
We all know that treats make our pets happy but what makes me happy about these treats is that they’re all natural & healthy. Such an essential for training & conditioning of dogs! Highly recommended. My dog loves these. She gobbles them up in seconds and is willing to do anything to get them!